Concrete substitution and reproduction

The foundation of a successful renovation is a detailed damage analysis, a selection of suitable and, above all, compatible concrete substitutes and proven application techniques. Regardless of whether the concrete replacement is carried out by hand, by spraying or on floor surfaces, it should not only ensure defined technical properties, but also ensure the desired overall impression of the building surfaces.
Durability as a basis for planning
Concrete structures in building construction generally have a planned useful life of 50 years. This implies that, during this period, the function in terms of load-bearing capacity and usability is maintained without any significant loss of usage characteristics, with appropriate maintenance effort.
The durability concept has been implemented since 2005 in the planning and construction of concrete structures based on DIN EN 206-1 / DIN 1045-2. With the introduction of the so-called exposure classes , planners for new buildings were given a tool with which the chemical and physical effects on a building or component can be described in a targeted manner. The principle of the exposure class for new concrete structures was incorporated and expanded by the DIBt's Technical Rules for the Maintenance of Concrete Structures .
By describing the building requirements via exposure classes, maintenance and repairs can be planned when planning new concrete buildings.
In order to ensure the usability of a building , a clearly defined wear limit (minimum target condition) must not be fallen short of. To ensure this, it must be determined as part of the planning which maintenance or inspection intervals are required for the structure.
If it is determined that without further measures the wear limit could be exceeded within the planned remaining useful life, suitable repair measures must be planned in order to safely achieve the planned remaining useful life.
Information and planning aids for structural assessment, maintenance, repair principles and procedures, including the corresponding product and system requirements, can be found in EN 1504 or TR Maintenance .

System solutions for non-statically relevant concrete repairs
Measures that improve the aesthetic appearance of concrete surfaces, do not impair the structural integrity, but restore them as originally as possible and do not have a statically relevant effect, are commonly described as concrete cosmetics. The so-called quick repair or concrete cosmetics describes the use of repair mortars that cannot be statically calculated, in particular the repair of breakouts, pores and defects.

Quick repair systems
With our Betofix RM and R2 rapid repair systems, small repairs in particular, such as repairing chipping, cavities and defects, can be completed in just one day. With systemically coordinated products, optional corrosion protection and concrete replacement can be implemented quickly and safely in Remmers quality without an additional bonding bridge. Â
Products | Range of use | Properties |
Betofix RM |
Betofix R2 |
Betofix R4 |
Products mentioned:
Betofix RM
Betofix R2

Betofix R4
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