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Paint Removal

Helifix Crack Stitching Kit Contec .png

Cocopaste | Scheidel



Very low-odour paint stripper, binds loosened paint and varnish layers in paste form, making stripping possible without smearing.

Weight / Size:

1L | 3L | 10L

Approx. Coverage:

150 ml/m² to 1 l/m²

Product Info:

Cocopaste removes bitumen sprays from the most different substrates. Cocopaste also separates graffiti from substrates which were protected with Fluorormer® Graffiti Impregnation.

Related Products


Paint remover - Paint stripper - Interior - Exterior - Paste


1K paints, oil paints, glazes, dispersion paints, plastic plaster, latex paints, adhesives, PU foam, fiberglass wallpaper, waxes and much more.

Drystrip Allround.jpg

Paint remover - Paint stripper - Interior - Exterior - Paste

Drystrip Allround

Dissolves emulsion paints, latex paints, 1K paints.


Paint remover - Paint stripper - Interior - Exterior - Epoxy Remover - Paste


1K ​​paints, 2K paints eg PU, epoxy, stoving and powder paints, fillers, fire protection coatings.

Strip Away LV.jpg

Paint remover - Paint stripper - Interior - Exterior - Paste

Strip Away LV

An environmentally safer paint remover because it DOES NOT contain Methylene Chloride or caustic and is chemically more in harmony with the environment.


Graffiti remover - Liquid - Sensitive surfaces

AG 2

A specially formulated blend of solvents developed to remove all forms of graffiti from sensitive surface and anti graffiti coatings 

Blitz Super Gel.png

Graffiti remover - Gel - Porous surfaces


Effective graffiti removing solution for aerosol paints, leather dyes and permanent markers. 

Scheidel Tester Bag - Contec - Conservation Technology.png

Graffiti remover - Paint Remover - Test Kit Bag

Scheidel Test Kit Bag

Scheidel Paint Stripper bag with various paint stripper samples

Strip Away Blanket .png

Graffiti remover - Paint Remover - Blankets

Strip Away Blankets

​The Strip Away blanket is a lightweight laminated membrane which covers all types of Strip Away paste.

SG 94 .jpg

Paint remover - Paint stripper - Interior - Exterior - Paste

SG 94

Dissolves emulsion paints, latex paints, acrylates, plastic plaster, adhesives, PU foam.


Paint remover - Paint stripper - Interior - Exterior - Paste

Drystrip Alkaline

Dissolves oil paints, alkyd resin
paints, glazes and red lead.

Tavec 201.png

Paint remover - Paint stripper - Interior - Exterior - Paste

Tavec 201

Tavec 201 is a biodegradable multiple layer paint stripper, formulated for removal of most paint types, urethanes and other coatings.


Graffiti remover - Bitumen Removal - Paste


​Dissolves bituminous sprays and
coatings, silver spray, crayons and
much more.

AG 3.png

Graffiti remover - Liquid - Non porous surfaces

AG 3

​A specially formulated blend of solvents developed to remove all forms of graffiti from non-porous surfaces


Graffiti remover - Liquid - Graffiti shadow removal

SL1 Shadow Lifter

A specially formulated alkaline cleaner for the removal of stubborn graffiti shadow from brickwork.

Strip Away Test Kit - Contec - Conservation Technology.png

Graffiti remover - Paint Remover - Test Kit

Strip Away Test Kit

Sample size of Strip Away and Strip Away LV

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Graffiti remover - Paint Remover - Test Kit Bag

Scheidel Graffiti Test Kit Bag

Scheidel Graffiti Removal bag with various graffiti removal samples


Paint remover - Paint stripper - Interior - Exterior - Epoxy Remover - Paste


​Universally suitable for removing 1K and 2K paints, PU paints, epoxy and powder coatings, adhesives and all paints based on oil paints, alkyd resin and dispersions.


Paint remover - Paint stripper - Interior - Exterior - Paste


Aqueous paints (acrylic base), epoxy, glue, 2K paints, oil paints (limited).

Strip Away.jpg

Paint remover - Paint stripper - Interior - Exterior - Paste - 30 Layers at once

Strip Away

The product is a viscous, poultice paste utilising water-soluble sodium hydroxide as the highly alkaline active ingredient to break down and liquefy multiple layers of paint in a single application


Graffiti remover - Paint Remover - Gel


Remmers AGE Paint & Graffiti Remover


Graffiti remover - Gel - Porous surfaces

AG 4

A specially formulated blend of solvents and biodegradable detergents developed to remove graffiti from more porous or extensively vandalised surfaces where a longer 'dwell time' is required

Shadow Chaser.png

Graffiti remover - Liquid - Graffiti shadow removal

Shadow Chaser

Corrosive formulation for the removal of graffiti shadows.

Strip Away Neutraliser.png

Graffiti remover - Paint Remover - Neutraliser

Strip Away Neutraliser

A mild acetic acid solution applied to neutralise the residual alkaline salts which remain after STRIP AWAY caustic paste has been applied.

Isopropyl Alcohol - Conservation Technology.png

Paint Remover - Disinfectant - Cleaner

Isopropyl Alcohol

Isopropyl Alcohol 99%

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