Save Money, Stop Mould & Save the Environment.

The Remmers Power Protect mould restoration panels are composed of a special mixture of heat-insulating, mineral perlite and environmentally friendly (because recycled) cellulose. All components satisfy high ecological standards with regard to their constituents and possible health-hazardous emissions. Cellulose is recycled from waste paper without need of large energy inputs and has hardly any impact on soil and water because for the production of the Power Protect panels it does not need to be bleached. Perlite is purely mineral and can be re-used at any time, thus ensuring a positive ecological balance sheet.

We spend an increasing amount of time within our four walls. They represent a safe haven in which we live, enjoy and feel comfortable. When refurbishing living environments, often particular emphasis is placed on energy-efficient construction, not least because of the increasing requirements of energy saving legislation. The trend to make buildings ever tighter, though, has negative consequences as well, such as a reduced air exchange. This often implies higher exposure to evaporation from the building materials and thus the formation of mould fungi. Therefore we cannot be indifferent to which materials are used for the restoration of our homes, since already minimal quantities of pollutants released into the living environment can negatively impact the health of the surroundings in which we live.

Here are some of the advantages of Power Protect:
Environmentally compatible and sustainable product
Brilliant U-Values (λ = 0.05 W/mK)
Lightweight and Easy handling and processing
Mould control and prevention
Small batch sizes (suitable also for small projects)